Ken do [kendo:] n. {Japanese, compound word } ken: sword; do: spiritual way (in the Japanese philosophy); 1: the way of the sword; 2: practicing sword techniques for the development of the mind and the body

In Japan there are some children who start practicing Kendo at the age of 5 or 6, but also there are many people who start practicing later in their lives, at the age of 60 or 70, so actually it is not limited by the age of people!

The Hungarian Kendo Federation suggests that Kendo is Japanese Fencing. So this is neither a fight sport, nor a martial art.

Similarly to other Eastern martial arts Kendo develops your stamina, discipline, honor towards other people, explosiveness, vitality, in addition to chiseling your senses at a high level, and trusting in your anticipations, which typically characterize kendo.

Yes, there is. Mr. Abe Tetsushi (kendo renshi 7th dan) has been living in Hungary for 10 years, and he is technical director of the Hungarian Kendo Federation. He graduated at the University of Physical Education’s Kendo Department in Japan, and his specialty is budo (Japanese martial art) history.

This is very simple! You should visit one of the clubs of the HKF, and there you can start learning the basic techniques. The list of the clubs can be found in the Club’s menu. In the first training you can wear a track suite and a T-shirt, sneakers are not needed, and of course the club will lend you a bamboo sword (shinai), till you get your own!

Kendo is the least dangerous „fight sport”. It is safe because of the rules of application of the equipments and the techniques! There are no kicks or hits in it, since this is fencing!

In Kendo there are no self-defense techniques, since people do not carry swords with them like in the middle ages.

Kendo can be applied in many areas of life, not directly, but as it has an effect on your everyday life through practicing and its conception. It develops your judgment, stamina, it gives you a natural poise (both in body and mind), and a strategy for everyday life. This is a way of intelligence and effectiveness!

The equipment consists of a bamboo sword (shinai), traditional Japanese training clothes – upper clothes (Keiko-gi), lower clothes (a divided skirt or hakama), and protecting equipments (head protector-men, chest protector -do, hip protector-tare, hand protecting gloves-kote). The shinai is a “sword” consisting of four spears made of bamboo or carbon based plastic, fastened by leather equipments. It costs around 8.000 – 50.000 Fts.
The price of the armor is around, 15.000-3.000.000 Fts, according to the fact whether it is new or second-hand, and according to its quality.
Naturally, the clubs are supported by the Federation to be able to buy or hire equipments at an available price, so no one should give up Kendo just because the above prices seem unavailable for them. For the time being there is no appropriate supply of qualitative equipments in the Hungarian martial art shops and sales channels, so if you would like to buy them privately, you can do this through foreign establishments by the Internet.

The dues are different in every club; they range from 500 Fts/ month to 3800 Fts/month. The new members’ entrance fee and due are 4500 Fts in the HKF for the first year, and then 2000 Fts/ year, which has to be paid in addition to the club dues. Allowance is given to those who are under 14 years, and whose family members also practice Kendo. The club leaders can give detailed information on this.

One reason is that it facilitates your attack with increased energy, and at the same time it provides confidence. In many other sports – e.g., weight lifting, javelin throw, tennis, and so on – shouting is applied just for the increased energy and the exertion of this energy.

Yes, there are individual and team competitions, without weight groups, and respectively there are children, junior and adult category, according to the organizers. In Kendo World Championships there is no rule for age limit.

For recognizing the valid scores of Kendo not only intelligence but also a proficient attitude is needed. Scores can be attained on four defined – and safely protected with a protecting equipment – parts of the body: the head (men), the wrist (kote), the lateral parts of the body (do), and by a thrust against the throat (tzuki). During the 5 minutes of the match you have to get two scores at the appropriate time and hitting surface, with correct posture and attitude, and this is established through the decision of two of three judges. In case of a drawn there is an extra time until the first score.

The Hungarian Kendo’s technical level is very high, since at present we are one of the strongest nations in Europe regarding our results of competitions! In 1997 we became 1st placed in category “B” at the World Kendo Championships. Besides this we got several gold, silver and bronze medals at different European Championships. The Japanese masters say that the Hungarian Kendo is a deeply rooted, authentic Kendo, and this can be seen not only in the efficiency of the fights, but also in their beauty, elegance, effectiveness.

The All Japan Kendo Federation (Zen Nihon Kendo Renmei) recently abated the number of the accessible levels from 10th dan 8th dan, so there are 8 grades. Before the dan grades there are so-called „kyu” grades. These are learning grades.

In Kendo the way of thinking is very simple. You are supposed to be able to see the level of the fighters. External differentiation can be fallacious, so it is unnecessary!

Yes, and they are very talented in fencing!

Written by:
Hungarian Kendo, Iaido and Jodo Federation, supervised by Abe Tetsushi


2025 February

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  • KV01 Kendo Vizsga
  • 01.Gyerek,Junior,Szenior Edzés
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